In July of 2020 Liam bought 13 baby chicks with his own money. By January 2021, we learned quickly that 10 out of the 13 chickens were roosters. Oh heavens. We were hoping for hens for fresh eggs. But with that many roosters and only 3 hens (Sanderson Sisters, Sarah, Mary, & Winifred) we had to get rid of 9 roosters.
So we kept Psy (Cy). He is such a sweet gentle rooster and he is so funny. He does a dance to show off to the ladies. I need to record it and put it up here so you all can see. It is very comical.
So what did I do after getting rid of 9 roosters? Well, I traded some for hens and others I gave them away to good homes.
The two Rhode Island Reds are Brooklyn and Rosie. They are sweet and gentle girls they are about the same age as the Sanderson sisters.
Here you have the three Leghorn sisters, Meg, Jo, and Amy. They were a bit skittish although they LOVED Bryan right away. Now they come right up to you and they let you pet them. They are such sweet girls. We picked them up from a lady about 10 minutes away from us that has a beautiful coop, but she has some dominating hens that septs attacking these three. So happy to have taken them and they get along with our girls so perfectly.
I got two Silver Laced Wyandotte’s from a friend and their names are Beth and Anne. They are sweet girls too. Let me be honest they are all sweet even the Sanderson sisters.
Meet Eleanor aka Ellie my Barrel Rock. She is a very big bird and at least twice a month lays two very large eggs bigger than your palms. She has been our shyest, but she is coming around. We got her from the same friend that I got my two Silver Laced Wyandotte’s from.
Here is big booty Judy. I couldn’t change her name because it fit her and look at that booty. It fits her. She is a Buff Ophington. She came with Judy, and she still isn’t big on people but we have grown on her. My friend we bought her from treated those girls so good but her dog was allergic and she was trying to get more of colorful egg batch.
So out of our 12 girls we get about 10 eggs a day. They are the prettiest eggs. We get brown, almond, blue, green, white, and then we will get some light brown, some with speckles, and some grey ones. It’s so neat to walk in and see what colors we get each day.
We just love our girls and we wish we could let them roam more freely but there are two Eagles that live in my neighbors tree and I know they would swoop one of my girls at any moment.
If you are new here, be sure to check out our roots to meet us!
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